
The physicochemical analyzes aim to determine, quantify or qualify specific compounds in raw material, technical products and/or formulation. By these analyzes is possible to determine the composition accurately and provide information about the chemical composition and/or physicochemical product.

At the Physicochemical laboratory II (LAFIQ II), the products are evaluated for quality according to the required by ANVISA, IBAMA and MAPA normative for registration and monitoring purposes, using international recognized methods such as OECD, ABNT, EPA, EEC and OPPTS. Besides offering services for products agrochemical impurities (IN2) analyzes and five batches studies.


Some of the analyzes performed by the physicochemical laboratory as described below:


  • Purity degree determination for active ingredients (technical products ans formulation)
  • Official analysis bulletin (MAPA)
  • Partition coefficiente (n-octanol/water) (Pow)
  • Dissociation constant
  • Corrosivity
  • Density
  • Pourability
  • Volatility and weigh loss determination
  • Particle size distribution
  • Absorption spectrum UV-vis
  • Persistent foam
  • Stability at normal and high temperature in metal and metallic ions presence
  • Accelerated stability
  • Dilution stability of herbicides aqueous solution
  • Dispersion stability
  • Liquid formulation stability at 0 ºC
  • Shelf stability
  • Thermal and in air stability
  • Thermal and in air stability with corrosive characteristics
  • Physical state, appearance, color and odor
  • Five Batch Analysis
  • Isolation and compounds characterization studies (impurities and degradation products)
  • Flammability
  • Hydrolysis as a function of pH
  • Molecular identification
  • Metallic impurities
  • Insoluble materials in pesticides aqueous solution
  • Miscibility in water and organic solvents
  • Wettability
  • Oxidation/reduction: chemical incompatibility
  • pH
  • Flash point
  • Boiling point/range
  • Melting point/range
  • Vapor pressure
  • Oxidative properties
  • Solubility in water and organic solvents
  • Suspensibility
  • Superficial Tension – Wilhelmy method
  • Analytical method validation
  • Viscosity
  • Volatility