Plantec is a Brazilian company with more than 25 years, providing services in analyses and quality control in chemical, physicochemical, microbiological, ecotoxicological, and in vitro toxicological high complexity studies for areas involving Agrochemicals, Food, Environment, Medicines, Veterinary products, Cosmetics and sanitizing products. In addition to research studies and agronomic efficiency.

Here you find:

Technological framework and last generation equipment

Highly qualified and trained technical team

Reliability and readiness in analyses

With own laboratory complex, three experimental stations and one corporate office arranged in four localities in: Iracemápolis/SP, Santa Mariana/PR, Anápolis/GO and São Paulo/SP, respectively.

You can find our services at the INMETRO webpage. For ISO 17025 certified services (CRL 0297): http://www.inmetro.gov.br/laboratorios/rble/docs/CRL0297.pdf and for detailed list of GLP recognized studies (GLP 0021): http://www.inmetro.gov.br/laboratorios/rble/docs/CRL0297.pdf.


The Plantec seed was planted in 1989, but the company realized it was possible to make the difference and go beyond the field studies performed as yet.

In 1995, the EXPERIMENTAL FIELD I, was acquired in Iracemápolis/SP and the company became prominent in Agronomical Efficiency and Practicability Studies and Field stages for Agrochemical Residues Studies.

Soon after, we extended our range of activities, building the Laboratories Complex, with 7.000m2 nowadays. Performing high complexity studies and quality control in chemical, physicochemical, microbiological, ecotoxicological, in vitro toxicological areas.

Since, new EXPERIMENTAL FIELDS II AND III, in Anápolis/GO in 2013 and Santa Mariana/PR in 2015 respectively and the corporate office in São Paulo/SP, in 2015.

Plantec obtained, for the first time, the Good Practices in Laboratory recognition in 2006, and in 2007 it was accredited in NBR/ISO 17025 and since then, expands the accreditation and recognition scope continuously.

Continuous equipment investments, technical qualification and scope expansion are planned and executed to improve the costumer needs attendance and provided even better services.

Nowadays, with four units, three station, nine laboratories, around 300 accredited procedures and 100 professionals involved in several stages of our process, we keep growing always focusing on quality, impartial results and costumer satisfaction.


Our units are composed by experts and high technology to meet your needs at the best way.

Rodovia SP 147 km 128
Caixa Postal: 39
Iracemápolis – SP
CEP: 13495-000

A matriz da Plantec Laboratórios conta com uma fazenda experimental de 45 hectares e estrutura com nove laboratórios. No local, trabalham aproximadamente 90 funcionários, entre eles os Diretores de Estudo / Signatários Autorizados e Equipe da Unidade de Garantia da Qualidade.
A central de laboratório conta com vários equipamentos modernos, entre eles cromatógrafos gasosos e líquidos,

Anápolis – GO
Rodovia BR 060, km 77
Caixa Postal: 81
CEP: 75024-970

A fazenda experimental localizada em Anápolis/GO conta com 40 hectares. Nela são realizados estudos de campo para resíduos de agrotóxicos e pesquisa e eficácia agronômica. A equipe local é composta, entre outros, por Pesquisadores Principais de Campo, agrônomos e técnicos agrícolas.

Santa Mariana – PR
Rodovia BR 369, km 69
Caixa Postal: 41
CEP: 86350-000

Na fazenda experimental localizada em Santa Mariana/PR, com 5 hectares, são realizados estudos de campo para resíduos de agrotóxicos e pesquisa e eficácia agronômica. A equipe local é composta, entre outros, por Pesquisadores Principais de Campo, agrônomos e técnicos agrícolas.

Do you have any question? Contact us!

It is our pleasure to provided any information you need to perform your analysis with us, with safety, reliability and readiness.